
“Let us read, and let us dance;
these two amusements will never do any harm to the world.”

Monday, 10 October 2011

Arcadia Book Club Choices!

I made this: Unknown at 6:56 pm
Howdy howdy one and all!

After our last meeting, a few members and myself started chatting about making a few adjustments to the book club.

While it's been great fun pulling choices out of a tankard; it's just a tad undemocratic - some members have had more than one pop out while others haven't had any of their picks chosen yet. 

So, from next Sunday onwards, those who've never had a book picked will put their choices into the jug one final time.

Then from the November meeting onwards we'll work to some sort of rota. I'm hoping that this will take but if not, I'm open to any suggestions, so feel free to leave a comment below!!


Becca on 10 October 2011 at 23:00 said...

Rather than a rota how about a pot of names - we pick a name each month until we run out. If you aren't there your name goes back into the pot for the next month and another name is picked. Keeps an element of surprise but is more democratic.


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